SHRA Meeting, 8AM, NWCC/Ole Miss - DeSoto, 5197 W.E. Ross Pkwy., Southaven, MS 38671: Krista Scott, owner of Buff City Soap, will be our speaker this month. Krista will be sharing about building and maintaining an online presence: How to use social media platforms efficiently and professionally.
Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors: Northwest Community College and University of Mississippi - Desoto Center as well as our Coffee Sponsor: Beans & Leaves- Silo Square!
Monthly meetings are held to explore the latest trends, topics, and legislation that employers face in the workplace. SHRA exists to encourage education, involvement, inclusion, mentoring, and networking for individuals responsible for human resources within any size company. This program is designed to meet the needs of small business leaders, as well as senior level human resource practitioners and entry level practitioners who may have other responsibilities in their organization.
* This event is open to SHRA members only. Membership is restricted to HR professionals and those whose work involves human resources administration, management, or consulting in HR issues.
SHRA members are encouraged to bring a guest. Guests may attend one meeting before becoming a member. If interested in joining SHRA, guests may request a membership application from the Southaven Chamber of Commerce by emailing
Membership is FREE for Southaven Chamber Members, and $60.00 annually for Non-Members.